Bhuyash Neupane

Bhuyash is a multi-instrumentalist, singer, and rhythmic ensemble composer hailing from Nepal. He has had an amazing experience of working with international musicians from different background and thus, identifies himself to be a student of different music styles too; something he wishes to pursue academically. He had his Tabla training from Pt. Nishikant Barodekar, Sri S Sai Ram and Sri Samir Dey. He had my vocal training from Smt. Kumudini Mundkur.
A recent graduate of Arts and Cultural Management program at MacEwan University, He has been enriched with the skills he needed to advance his career and broaden his knowledge in every aspect of music events and participation.
He recently finished his internship with CKUA Radio, Edmonton as he had been very much impressed by CKUA's core value i.e. the application of collective expertise to broadcast relevant and engaging music and information programs that educate, challenge and inspire. At CKUA, He attempted at gaining practical knowledge of working for/in an organization that exists to engage the diverse community through Music.